Kadavu Koro Village

by chris cunningham

On our last day of kayaking we all ended up in the village of Kadavu Koro. I rode the support boat into the village and it was straight out of “Apocalypse Now”. People were standing on the banks watching us motor slowly by, smoke was pouring out of some of the huts, etc. I just didn’t have a gun and we weren’t blasting the Rolling Stones or Hendrix. One of our guides was from this village and since I arrived by boat I got to meet his family. Four beautiful kids and one on the way. After a short time in the village Tony, George the guide, and I met up with the others at the waterfall. They had hiked from another nearby village and were already jumping into the water by the time I arrived. The time we spent at this waterfall is something I think we will never forget. Behind the village, a tiny crevice in a sandstone bluff, hides the ultimate bathing experience. Hundered’s of years of mountain runoff has gouged a huge chamber with a deep black pool and a 90 ft waterfall that cascades out of the jungle. Only one of us managed to get a camera up to the waterfall, but I have yet to see those. Jill captured the village better than anything I got, so that’s her photo below.