Los Angeles Arboretum and Botanic Garden

by chris cunningham

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[Adnan] and I went over to the Arboretum for a few hours. He to play with his new HD video camera, me to, well… to see the Fantasy Island House! Da plane da plane… [FANTASY ISLAND INTRO] I think I’d like the arboretum a lot more on a cooler day. The grounds are really nice though and of course it has the added bonus of lots of movies being shot there. Which ones? Well these ones of course… [Megalist] With such classics as Attack of the Giant Leeches, Cobra Woman, The Cyclops, Elephant Stampede, Captive Girl, Devil’s Island, Killer Leopard, Cannibal Attack, Zombies of Mora Tau, and don’t forget “Lambada, The Forbidden Dance”.

Afterwards we drove into Pasadena and had some dinner at A/The Noodle House. Kind of a strange place and strange service but tasted good.