Pron Commuter

by chris cunningham

Surfas Restaurant Supply and Gourmet Foods. I love this place and it’s conveniently located a few blocks from Imageworks. Fascinating, I know. Let me explain. See, down at Weta they have this thing called Porn Fridays. On a mailing list called “Noise”, Friday is the day people send porn. You can get away with stuff like that down there. Anyway, someone wrote a cgi script that if you click a button on their website it’ll mail a “random porn picture” from you to the “Noise” mailing list. Called the “Random Porn Generator”, it upped the amount of porn sent to “Noise” by the thousands. You leave your desk for half an hour and you’d have 200 new porn pictures in your inbox. Crazy. Well, during one flurry of random porn postings, this photo [LINK] popped up and I just had to laugh. I blurred it for those people who work in the United States.