The Cake Delimma

by chris cunningham

The cake delimma. So, on Saturday we had two full cakes left over from my grandmothers service. Problem is, what do you do with them? They’ve got “in memorium” written all over them. The plan is to pawn one off at work in one of the kitchens. My thought is if they “don’t know” it was for my grandmother they’ll willfully gorge themselves. I left the cake in the refrigerator for a day and hardened it up. With a sharp knife I was able to break off the lettering. Then, I figured I could get it in to work and slice it up to make it even less noticable. At lunch I snuck the cake up the side stairwell, so I wouldn’t have to explain the cake in person. Then I quickly sliced it up in the kitchen and slipped back to my office. I even took a slice to get the ball rolling. In about 20 minutes I went back and checked on it. Oooo… four slices are now gone. It’s working and no one knows the better. Bwa ha ha ha. In just over two hours the cake was gone. EXCEPT for that damn last slice! So there’s the last slice sitting in the box. It sat there for another hour until finally, FINALLY someone came along and… no they didn’t eat it. They sliced that piece in half to make an even smaller last piece. You have got to be kidding me. People, eat the last slice, it’s ok, really. Ok, enough about the cake.