Wayward Crow
I guess he could still fly. Yes I changed the phone number, so if you see our little wayward crow contact me. He’s black, I’m guessin’.
I guess he could still fly. Yes I changed the phone number, so if you see our little wayward crow contact me. He’s black, I’m guessin’.
The cake delimma. So, on Saturday we had two full cakes left over from my grandmothers service. Problem is, what do you do with them? They’ve got “in memorium” written all over them. The plan is to pawn one off at work in one of the kitchens. My thought is if they “don’t know” it […]
[LUNAR NEW YEAR VIDEO LINK – 1m:11secs – 160×120 – 1mb] Sunset Blvd. Lunar New Year Parade, festivities, and the loudest damn thing I’ve ever heard. That’s nuts.
Wetafx L.A. Tonight a rogue group of former Weta worker bees met at Paru’s in L.A. for dinner. Most of the discussion was post Lord of the Rings travel adventures, why we don’t want to go back, 5 year plans, who’s working where, who’s looking, and the mid meal diaper change. I drove around for […]
We received my Grandmother’s ashes this week, so we all headed up to Antelope Valley to spread them out at the poppy park she helped establish. Those were her wishes. It’s a bit early for the poppies, but in a little over a month this place will look like a living Monet painting. On a […]
Tonight’s the night a bunch of VFX geeks get together and vote who’s best. There are three “Bake Off’s” this week at the Academy. Sound Editors, Visual Effects, and Makeup and Hair Stylists. Many years ago a sound effects editor named Kay Rose came up with the term “Bake Off”. It was coined because of […]
Her real name is Virginia. She’s always gone by Ginger, but at Imageworks we’ve always called her Virginia. So now she’s pulling a fast one and wants to be known as Ginger. Of course it’s hard for all of us to switch over. So now I always say it really loud and accent the hell […]
Diane Garrett, “Variety” reporter extroadinaire invited me to the Premiere of “Shanghai Knights” at El Capitan theater. Lot’s of press and lights all over the place. Jackie Chan was doing interviews out on the street. Fans were lined up on Hollywood Blvd. We got to walk down the red carpet. Well at least behind all […]
His mom probably accepts him, but his dad is probably in denial. “We should have never sent him to that clown college.”