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chase the light

Month: January, 2008

Live at Leeds – Side 4 and Bradford Photo Museum

Yesterday we spent a relaxing day just shopping and getting some photo print stuff done for Liza. We also went back to the japanese restaurant for lunch. Today we’re heading back to Liverpool but first a stop at Amira’s hospital to say goodbye and have lunch. That’s her hospital above in the rollover. Nice, huh? […]

Live at Leeds – Side 3

Today we spent most of our day out at the Yorkshire Sculpture Park. Really really nice place. Huge sweeping grounds and they had to keep evacuating the Center Centre with the galleries because some alarm kept going off. Funny to see people evacuating a building over and over. Anyway we grabbed some lunch first which […]

Live at Leeds – Side 2

Today, Old Greg, Amira, Liza and I went to a butterfly zoo! Or so we thought there’d be butterflies. Turns out… not so much! Caterpillars no. Butterflies no. We got them in their second stage, cocoons, which is pretty low on the action factor. But… there were iguanas and birds and fish and people and […]

Live at Leeds – Side 1

Off to Leeds! After being out late last night we got a late start but wound or way through the country and up a big hill to the middle of England to Leeds. We’re staying at Liza’s sister house. She’s a dentist, so hide your sweets and practice your tooth brush calisthenics. I’ve always associated […]

Alma de Cuba, Liverpool

I flew back to Liverpool this past week to spend the last part of my 3 months off with Liza. She was working this week so I hung around and did handyman things like fix chairs, hung pictures, and I even installed a shelf! Thank you very much. Hung pictures. On brick walls! Check me […]

Macworld Conference & Expo & Trees & Motel 6

Greetings from the woods! I’m building a log cabin. Wait! That doesn’t look like the Macworld Expo? It isn’t because the Macworld kinda blew this year. Yeah yeah, they introduced the MacBook Air and it was boring, but that’s what makes having the show in San Francisco so nice! You’re IN San Francisco. So whatev, […]