South Bay Refinieries
by chris cunningham
Just before midnight I was driving through Carson and decided to check out the oil refinieries [LINK]. They are some of California’s largest and the whole area can process almost a million gallons a day. They always looked like these belching hissing monsters on the side of the highway that I tried to pass as fast as I could. I’m sure the land around that area is just poisoned all to hell. The complexity of some of these structures is mind boggling. Someone had to build all those pipes and tubes and put them together in some working order. After 9/11, the huge U.S. flag went up. I thought we would have weened ourselves off of oil by now. It’s such a dirty business. Right about midnight a shady looking guy rode by on a bike and asked if I was a Laker fan. What goes on in a guys mind that thinks he can hawk a pair of tickets to a guy standing outside an oil refinery taking pictures in the middle of the night?
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