Cows Above Wellington

by chris cunningham

Oh yeah, same to you Cow. Stick your tongue out at me, why I’ll make you into… oh I dunno. On a beautiful day I decided to go for another short drive up to the wind turbine to take a look at the city. After being in Wellington for a few months, you get used to seeing cows and sheep all over the place. No biggie, but as soon as you find yourself on the same side of the fence with them you realize just how big cows are. They’re also hard to “read”. Take a horse, you can pretty much tell when they’re agitated, they let you know. Ears go back, they show their teeth, etc… But with cows, you can’t really tell. They kinda just stare at you. Then this one stuck it’s tongue out at me and that was enough of a sign for me that I better leave it alone. Cows are cool though.