Ennio Morricone
by chris cunningham
In an effort to push down the boring movie reviews and rather disturbing styrofaom heads I figured I should go out and actually use my camera tonight. Over at Hollywood & Highland they have the Oscars on display and I knew Ennio Morricone’s Oscar was there so I thought I’d go have a look. It’s about time they just gave him one. I mean, The Mission, come on. Right there was one the most deserving efforts ever. Loved the movie, but that score made it an epic. Ever see Star Wars without the score? Exactly. So, Ennio Morricone’s Oscar, I saw it before he did, it’s about time, and why doesn’t he ever come to Los Angeles and strike up the band? I’m beggin’ here. Come on, the Hollywood Bowl, under the stars, wine and cheese, we’ll hang out, it’ll be fun Ennio. Then you can crash at my place and tell me Clint Eastwood stories til the sun comes up then we’ll go have brekkie at the IHOP.
*KERCHUNK…..* ???
Oh great… now I’m sitting here in total darkness as the power just took a death wheeze. L.A., modern day city with third world power. Looks like it’s the whole neighborhood as I can see little candles lighting up in all the windows. So total darkness except for my trusty laptop. Probably should go light some of my candles. The street lights seem to be working so maybe I’ll do some of the dishes that are near that window. Hmmm… can’t get online either. Everyone’s wireless networks are down. Somewhere in the dark two smoke alarms are beeping. When the power goes out they go to battery power and if your battery’s low it beeps really high and shrill. Oh dear, what do I do? Welcome to pre-electricity. Maybe I’ll go churn the soil with my ox. No moon, can’t see. I don’t really have an ox. Wow, dark is pretty dark now that I can’t see anything.
Maybe I should get up? Hello… ow, my head. Where are the matches? I don’t think this is getting fixed anytime soon. Maybe I’ll walk over to the cafe and post this. 10:51pm. Goodnight.
Wow. That Oscar looks like a cheap toy (not the material, but the actual shape). Beautiful photographs though! You’ll probably never get out of the darkness to see this comment, but I figured I’d send it anyway.