by chris cunningham
I finally pulled the trigger on this thing! Word Press! Woo Hoo! I’ve been playing with Word Press for the last year trying to get it to a point that I like it. So I’ve finally moved it to the head of the site! I love it! Not only do I finally have a search feature, but categories! Search for your name if you think I’ve written about you. The categories are sooo great and it archives until the end of time. The earliest Blogger would allow you to post is 1990! Come on I have journal stuff from way before that! I even have the wrist band I wore in the hospital after I was born. Crazy stuff. So, F’em. Also you can finally click the banner on top and come back to the home page if you get lost. I also wanted to make the site a little more utilitarian to try and cut down on the visual noise.
So, my goal is to start plugging in my whole life. I have so much shit in boxes that my parents have given me that I think filling up the journal with all of it will be an awesome record the events I can remember! There’s a few stretches of time that I don’t have pictures or videos from they can be filled in with mental memories. Go over to the categories and drag them down and click go to see what happens. Neko even gets her own category. So now I can post random stuff from the past such as this… [Changing the Marquee at Edwards Cinemas!].
There’s a few things that are still wonky but I’m not really done with it all and sometimes the links go to the old old site but it’ll always be a work in progress! What a relief to finally get it up.
going to search for my name now. haha.
seriously – great revamp! i need to go wordpress myself. good job!
Ladies and Gentlemen… Willo. Thanks Willo! It was like a hit run today with all the comments.
I missed you out at Coachella as I decided to opt out this year, but I’ll give you a holler when I’m up your way.