82 Degree Snowfall

by chris cunningham


Family night out at The Grove. This years Christmas is going to be a bit scattered since we’re going to all be in different places. My parents, family friends, uncle, and one of my cousins brought her two boys down to see the lights and have dinner. Went first to Marmalade for dinner and the boys were cracking me up by being the epitome of precocious. The comedy pretty much continued throughout the night so I just shot video of them being nutty little kids. They say cool things like, “Dum dum dum dum da dum dum da dum. Know what that is?” Um, No. “It’s Star Wars!” Ha ha ha, OK. Also since we exchanged a few gifts the waiter thought it was my Mom’s birthday! He brought a free dessert and we all looked puzzled so we got a good laugh at that.

At 7:00pm the fountain flares up, holiday songs begin playing and it starts snowing. If you can forget the fact that today the skies were bluebird in color, not a cloud in sight and 82 degrees, well then it actually felt a bit Christmasy.

I live across the street from this craziness. Snow in L.A., its madness I tell ya.