Charles Phoenix / Spider-man 3-Surf’s Up! Wrap Party / Culver City Hot Rod Show
by chris cunningham
Friday I got myself double booked with a show at the John Anson Ford Theatre and Imageworks’ wrap party for Spider-man 3 and Surf’s Up. First up was Charles Phoenix. He’s this guy that… well, it’s kinda hard explain, but it’s very Southern California kitsch. He collects slides from the 40’s 50’s 60’s and basically has a slide show. He had an old organist on stage, a pink poodle, a hula hoopist (?), a ballerina and made Ambrosia for dessert. Yeah, it does sound odd typing that out. Anyway, I’ve had a few of his books which are compilations of his collected Kodachrome slides and they’re really interesting to look at. They mostly deal with peoples lives in California during that time. He grew up here and has researched many of the places and people in the photographs. So that was a great time and a bit of an offbeat curiousity. It also provided me with the opportunity to go to the Ford Theater for the very first time. Where I got to find out that the parking is really lame. The kind where they stack you up row after row so if you hate what you’re seeing you can’t leave until everyone else does. Did I mention that is lame? It’s lame. And had you also been stuck sitting in the car next to me you would have looked over and said, *Isn’t this lame?* I would have said *Yes, it is really lame.*
And if you care, Cybil Shepherd sat behind us. I didn’t, but she sure let everyone know she was there.
Then I ran across town to the House of Blues for Imageworks’ wrap party for Spider-man 3 and Surf’s Up. All the food was eaten by that time and nothing but dry cup cakes were left. Humpft. Right then, I hope that $15 dollar valet parking is free, because I’m about to leave after 30 minutes. 50 cents a minute + tip. Oh no, haha. It was free in the end and I did stay longer and saw seven people I know. Seven. Where is everyone??
Then on Saturday there was this car show. I’m not really all that into cars but it’s once a year so it’s fine to go look at shiny obects on some random Saturday in May. And there’s free parking at work. It was kinda boring. So to bore you I’ve put together a boring slideshow with the most boring song of the day the band played. I was even bored putting it together, and it shows. But check out that Batman! Isn’t he the biggest cornball Batman you’ve ever seen? Love it.
So, to recap, Charles Phoenix, awesome! House of Blues wrap party, no food, dry cupcakes, free parking, too loud, t’was ok. George Barris Custom Car Show, boring. And no you can’t click on the photos above right, you just have to press play to see them. Lame isn’t it? It’s because I don’t know how to do that. I somewhat kinda sorta have thumbnails now. Sorta. Kinda.
…whilst that’s being worked out, if you hover over the bar the playhead is in, thumbnails appear there and you can click on those to skip to a particular frame.
I’ve heard of the Ford Theatre. What’s the parking like?