First Leg of West Coast Tour
by chris cunningham

It seems it’s been ages… We flew into Santa Ana since we are staying at Disneyland the whole week. I would have liked to have stayed up in L.A. more but truth be told 50% off Disneyland Hotels is hard to beat. Whenever I looked at hotels at the same price in L.A. they were kinda dumpy (Fairfax I’m looking at you) or stupidly more expensive (Santa Monica I’m looking at you). So the first part of the week we stayed at the Disneyland Hotel, never actually stayed there before, and then the rest of the week at The Grand Californian which is probably my favorite hotel… ever? Dunno, maybe. My dad picked us up so we could borrow a car for the week but that meant I had to drive him home to San Diego (founded by the Germans) and then drive all the way back to Anaheim. On the way way back I meandered through my old neighborhoods and even called my best friend from the top of this hill that we’d skateboard down and nearly kill ourselves on. Which was also amazing because he was all the way over in Palawan helping restore coral reefs from the world wide bleaching event that is going on. We’ve known each other since yay big. Went by my old high school and and then finally got back to Anaheim. Kind of a long day of travel even though the flight was only a few hours. I’m tired, but OMG look at the view!! DisNeYlAnD! Insert Jonah Hill gif of him being excited.
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