Fiji 2005

by chris cunningham

Photos from the kayaking trip to Fiji. It only took me a month this time rather than three years for the last trip. Unfortunately this time around I was hammered by mosquitos and came home with an unfortunate nightmare on my hands. I had an allergic reaction to the mosquito bites and they kept getting worse and worse to the point that they were scaring the shit out of me. They hurt, were oozing and one was the size of a silver dollar. They weren’t getting better and I had 40 of them that had gone completely haywire. They weren’t getting better so I made an appointment with my doctor and had him check them out. He prescribed me some Cipro, which was sounding oddly familiar, but I couldn’t place it. Not because it’s a hugely powerful antibiotic anything, but… holy crap that’s what they were giving everybody that had been exposed to Anthrax a few years ago!!!! He also decided to send me to a dermatologist because he wasn’t quite sure about them. Anyway, I was miserable and with the help of the Cipro they finally started to scab over last week. I never took a picture of them because it was just to god awful to look at. But you can recreate it with pieces of beef jerky. Just take forty 1 1/2 inch round pieces of beef jerky and randomly place them on your arms and legs and you’ll get an idea of what I looked like. Meat scabs. The only thing positive I could think of was that there was no way in hell anyone was going to mug me. Mostly I kept them covered though so that I wouldn’t scare the shit out of people while out in public. Apparantly some people become more sensitive to mosquito bites the more they get them. Guess I’m one of those…

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