Nightmare Before Christmas in 3D at El Capitan
by chris cunningham
So far it’s been the season of 3D so I thought it would be good to catch the Nightmare Before Christmas in 3D at El Capitan Theater. It’s a holiday tradition at the theater but Liza has never seen it and Blaine and Erin both love the film so they went also.
Earlier in the day we just kinda hung around and shot some photos before heading back across town to Hollywood and Highland. We ate at the Mongolian BBQ place, which I had a craving for and was talking about at work earlier in the week. So who shows up craving the same thing? Blaine. We sat and finished dinner with him and Erin then headed over to the theater. We got there a little late only to see the organist going down below the stage. Oh no, bummer.
Anyway, the 3D in Nightmare is kinda weak as it’s a film that has been converted from a *flat* film. Unlike the 3D masterpiece that Beowulf is. You should go see that.
After the movie we went downstairs and they had an exhibit of movie props and sets from the film. Including the signature moon set, which is also the [theatrical poster]. Rollover the image above to see Liza with the set. Vedy nice. After the film we drove down Sunset to the Coffee Bean and hung out by the firepit. There’s a very massive and disconcerting billboard that hovers right above all of the Coffee Bean. If that thing comes crashing down, lots of death would be involved. Me no like. Ah well, time to go, even with a caffeine boost, feeling sleeeeepy….
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