Open Season World Premiere
by chris cunningham
Hey! Let’s go to a premiere! Come on everybody! Join me in a walk down the red carpet, um green carpet, and get blinded by flashes and rub elbows with Martin Lawrence, Aston Kutcher and Demi Moore, Gary Sinise and the furry stars of Open Season! It’s total mayhem like a big time movie premiere should be and we’re all invited! So lets go! And just what the hell am I doing here? Who let the riff raff in??!
Ha ha! Open Season had it’s premiere tonight at the Greek Theater with a big old fashioned party and screening under the stars. Lot’s of food was eaten, games were played and gifts handed out. Paul Westerberg put on a 3 song mini concert and Demi Moore is as small as you might have heard. We all got Open Season blankets as gifts which is pretty much the ideal party gift for an outdoor event. The food was salads, chicken, mini corn dogs, stuffed mac & cheese balls, etc. The desserts were lot of chocolate things. The games section included ring tosses, shooting galleries and knock stuff over booths. Pretty much by the time the screening was to start they were just handing out the stuffed animal stars from the movie to anyone who wanted one. Enter the party above and check out the red carpet mayhem with the video.
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