Recent Pelicula Screenings
by chris cunningham
Hi, hello. Things are good. How are you? I’ve seen some movies in the last month and a half that you might want to know about. I’m not sure when I’ll get back to the regularly scheduled program but you’ll know when it happens. I might actually take a photo again at some point.
I’m not sure you are actually *allowed* to only give Ghost Rider a 3.
And here I was thinking I was being nice about it. It’s a solid 3 though.
300 was so terrible it makes my sides hurt. I bought the DVD from a Nigerian in the streets of Corfu, Greece a few days ago and watched it the following evening. The first awfulness was how the script sought relentlessly for every opportunity to use the term “Spartan”, like “well, that’s the Spartan way, don’t ya know” and “Oh, don’t mind him, he’s just a Spartan” and “did you see my Spartan baby who is from Sparta and will grow into a strong Spartan man?”. The next transgression was ACTUALLY using the phrase “Freedom isn’t free”. Good christ, am I the only one noticing how terrible most films are these days? ! Is Frank Miller a nutso republican goofhead? Perhaps it’s my disconnect from the U.S. marketing engine that’s giving me incredibly lucid, and totally true, opinions. Yes, that must be it.
Ah the ‘ol expat superiority complex has settled in. You’re not going to start sending me *9/11 was an inside job* youtube links are you? Sorry Len, but I was to busy ham-fisting popcorn into my mouth and enjoying the pretty action flick. Beside, you were going on about the greatness of Ghost Rider, so I’m beginning to become suspect of your critical eye my friend.
Gentlemen, gentlemen. Can’t we just agree to agree that 300 & Ghost Rider are both complete crap? Also: wtf with even seeing Music & Lyrics? Did you lose a bet?