Saturday Morning 8:00am
by chris cunningham
I kid you not. Good morning. Yeah, didn’t get the helicopter memo. I think the video gives a good idea of what it seemed like in my head.
So, I’m laying there, ya know, sleeping in a bit. Helicopter man shows up and really won’t disappear even though I’m trying to ignore it. But it sounds like it’s in my bedroom. I finally peer out the window and I see a bunch of people staring up and Oh Lordy look at that! A helicopter is landing on that building! First thing I think of is a hostage situation! Ha! I mean, why else would a helicopter be landing on a building roof on Saturday morning at 8:00am? And five feet from my head. And carrying things that look like gurneys to my sleepy eyes??
Hmmm… lets go investigate. The whole neighborhood is blocked off and they’re moving equipment to and from the roof with a giant Sikorsky helicopter that was made in 1960 with parts from the lowest bidder. In a bit of self preservation I decided being in the windy path of a helicopter is bad news.
Fortunately it only went on for about an hour… he said sarcastically. SERENITY NOW YOU GIANT FLYING LAWNMOWER!!
i actually DID get the memo. literally. :) at my office they sent out the following message:
Press Release
> Source: Los Angeles World Airports
> Street and Freeway Closures Announced for Film Production Near Los
> Angeles International Airport
> Monday October 30, 2:48 pm ET
> LOS ANGELES, CA–(MARKET WIRE)–Oct 30, 2006 — Airline passengers
> and airport workers are advised that a major motion picture
> production near Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) may cause
> delays in getting to the airport beginning this week.
> The film production for the movie “Live Free or Die Hard” starring
> Bruce Willis received permits from the California Film Commission,
> Film L.A. and the City of El Segundo. No filming occurs on airport
> property.
> Filming will occur in three periods:
> — Thursday, Nov. 2 through Sunday, Nov. 5– Wednesday, Nov. 8
> through Sunday, Nov. 12– Saturday, Nov. 18 through Sunday, Nov. 19
> During all periods, Imperial Highway — one of the main access
> roads into and out of LAX — is scheduled to be closed in both
> directions between Nash Street and Aviation Blvd. from 9 a.m. to 4
> p.m.; and the westbound lanes closed an additional three hours
> until 7 p.m. The film studio has indicated one westbound lane will
> be kept open whenever possible to allow for airport cargo traffic
> ONLY to access the LAX Imperial Cargo Center at the intersection of
> Imperial Highway and Aviation Blvd.
> In addition, during three weekends of Nov. 4-5, Nov. 11-12, and
> Nov. 18-19, eastbound Century Freeway I-105 between La Cienega to
> Sepulveda Blvds. and the freeway connectors at I-105 east to I-405
> north and south will be closed from 6 a.m. to 6:30 p.m., while
> westbound I-105 during these times will be closed on an
> unannounced, intermittent (or rolling) basis. Westbound I-105 also
> will be closed on two Sundays, Nov. 5 and Nov. 12, from 5 a.m. to 7
> a.m.
> Traffic plans call for motorists using westbound Imperial Highway
> during closed periods to detour at the intersection ofImperial
> Highway and Aviation Blvd. If headed toward the LAX passenger
> terminal area, motorists will be diverted one mile on northbound
> Aviation Blvd. to westbound Century Blvd. into the airport. If
> headed to the west side of LAX or county beaches, motorists will be
> diverted three miles on southbound Aviation Blvd. to westbound El
> Segundo Blvd. to northbound Sepulveda Blvd. to resume on westbound
> Imperial Highway.
> During each of the three Saturday closures of eastbound I-105,
> airport officials are advising that approximately 300 to 350
> construction trucks related to LAX’s South Airfield Improvement
> Project are expected to be routed on southbound Sepulveda Blvd. to
> eastbound El Segundo Blvd. to access the I-405 freeway.
> The production company stated in its letter of intent and permit
> applications that it will use pyrotechnics (explosives) and
> “gunfire for the entire time” of the filming. One helicopter is
> scheduled to be used during weekend filming, and “there will be
> larger explosions” with accompanying smoke early morning of
> Sundays, Nov. 5 and 12.
Ha ha, love that last paragraph! That sounds like something I’d like to see! Thanks for sharing!
I showed people at my work this video, they loved the soundtrack and that the city thought it was a film shoot. Nope, just climate control equipment being dropped into the top of the building.
Ha ha, small world. Um yeah, so could you tell your people to give me a call next time? I’m the official approver of all things my neighborhood. =P
I work in the Office of the Building at 5900 Wilshire with Meredith and I just saw your response to Meredith for the first time. I had no idea that you were the official approver of things in the neighborhood! If I had known, we would have checked everything with you in advance! Next time we have a helicopter come to the building, we’ll call you first. By the way, your video of the event is awesome!
Wow, that’s one hip building. It has its own website.