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chase the light

Month: April, 2006

Rob Zombie at The Wiltern… Yeeeah!

I rode the bus to concert. Damn right. Proud of it. Why not spend $1.25 instead of $10 for parking. Anyway, Matt and I texted back and forth to coordinate where he was sitting so I could meet up with him. After Lacuna Coil was finished the lights came up and I was able to […]

The Brewery Art Walk

Met up with Alicia and Jill at The Brewery for the bi-annual Art Walk. I swear I burn out faster and faster each year with eye fatigue. The Brewery is just to big to do all in one day with a clear head. I did get to meet and chat with Michael Salerno. He had […]

Kittie at The Whisky

I’ve heard a total of about 45 secs. of one Kittie song and that’s all I know. Matt and Steve were already going so I thought I’d catch up with them tonight and hang out. Matt’s friend Cameron was visiting from Salt Lake so he was there too. I parked my car next to the […]

Strange But True: The Wetting of the Animals

No really, I swear to Flying Spaghetti Monster [LINK] that thousands and thousands of people line up to have Cardinal Roger Mahony throw water on their pets for 5 hours. No, seriously, I swear, even turtles. Turtles! It’s time again for the yearly Blessing of the Animals down by Olvera Street! Woo hoo, let’s get […]

Storm Large at Molly Malone’s

When a show opens with a song called “What the Fuck is Ladylike?” being sung by girl, I’m there for ya. A couple of weeks ago I got an IM from friend Keith asking if I knew where Molly Malone’s was. It’s only like the closest club to my house. I just walk out my […]


One of my favorites photographs is Ansel Adams “Rose and Driftwood” from 1932. It was shot with a 4×5 and the detail in the petals and wood is really amazing. You have to see an original print of it in person to really appreciate it but never-the-less it’s really stunning. I think I first saw […]


I finally pulled the trigger on this thing! Word Press! Woo Hoo! I’ve been playing with Word Press for the last year trying to get it to a point that I like it. So I’ve finally moved it to the head of the site! I love it! Not only do I finally have a search […]

Rose Bowl Swap Meet

Pssst… need some shoes? I’ll bet anything an old pair shoes I used to own is sitting out at the Rose Bowl parking lot. I lost my Rose Bowl Swap Meet virginity today and I can honestly say, like my first loss of virginity, it didn’t go too well. It’s all kinda hot and sweaty […]


I’m also looking at post houses for getting all my family’s old 8mm kodachrome films telecined to digital. One that intrigues me is labeled “Rose Parade 1949”. That is going to kick ass to see. They range from 1947 to about 1964 with my granddad and then my dad shot a bunch of stuff from about 1972 to 1978. With any luck there will be classic 70’s scenes of me throwing tea overboard in Boston Harbor, climbing the Lincoln memorial steps in some gold tennis shoes and of course riding the stage coach in Columbia, CA and being attacked by robbers! Oh no!!!