The Brewery Art Walk
by chris cunningham
Met up with Alicia and Jill at The Brewery for the bi-annual Art Walk. I swear I burn out faster and faster each year with eye fatigue. The Brewery is just to big to do all in one day with a clear head. I did get to meet and chat with Michael Salerno. He had some really beautiful and colorful canvases that look really amazing when you get up close to them. The amount of tiny little patterns in the paint is spectactular. He invited me over sometime outside of the Art Walk so I could look through the paintings he wasn’t showing. There were quite a few people there although the picture is deceiving because not that many people were walking underneath the bridge when I took it.
As I was driving over I was kind of making up the route as I went. Highland to Melrose, to Western, to Sunset, to Main, through Chinatown, etc. As I got closer I didn’t really know where I was but knew I was close. A girl pulled up next to me and asked where Alameda was, I said I didn’t know at that moment but was she looking for Union Station or something? She said no the Brewery Art Walk! Ha! I told her I was headed there but I was making it up as I went so she followed me. Fortunately I made all the correct turns and I got her there with no problem. A girl asking for directions and a guy not? What are the odds?
I rollover and I get nuttin’. Why oh why…
That’s the excitement! Maybe you’ll get something, maybe you won’t. Besides, all the other photos sucked and I had to make this one a miniature just to make it presentable.
am I drunk or is the photo blurry at the top and bottom?
You’re drunk, but it is a photo of a brewery. The Pabst Blue Ribbon brewery to be exact. So maybe the photographer was totally pickled.
hehhe, way to mini it up! i just saw some tutorials on that – very cool. you’re also bringing me back to when i lived in LA & went on the brewery tour… wildly enough it was probably exactly 10 years ago this month! because I moved up to SF shortly afterwards, (on my birthday) which is coming up: June 20th! crazy.