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Category: Friends

The Brewery Art Walk

Met up with Alicia and Jill at The Brewery for the bi-annual Art Walk. I swear I burn out faster and faster each year with eye fatigue. The Brewery is just to big to do all in one day with a clear head. I did get to meet and chat with Michael Salerno. He had […]

Kittie at The Whisky

I’ve heard a total of about 45 secs. of one Kittie song and that’s all I know. Matt and Steve were already going so I thought I’d catch up with them tonight and hang out. Matt’s friend Cameron was visiting from Salt Lake so he was there too. I parked my car next to the […]

L.A. Marathon No. 21

[L.A. MARATHON VIDEO LINK] Since I’m basically trapped inside today because of the L.A. Marathon. I might as well just enjoy it. Besides, how many people have 25,000 runners going by their house at any given time. The added bonus this year was I actually knew someone in it. So I grabbed my beach chair, […]

Friday Bike Ride

On the occasional Friday Bau from the office next to me and I leave work at lunch to ride our bikes down to the beach. It’s 12.65 miles according to the little bike computer. Well, this Friday my back tire was way low and the wind was blowing hard down Ballona Creek so it was […]

3 x 3: Alfredo de Batuc Benefit

With three days of art gallery shows there was no way I was going to make it out clean. Friday night started out with Rachel and a show called “Remixing the Magic” [LINK]. Rachel and I have developed a simple code word for going out to eat. We just leave a message on our answer […]

Lucha… VA VOOM! Valentine’s Day Spectacluar!

[PHOTO GALLERY OF SEXO Y VIOLENCIA!] She was definitely my favorite act of the night, Michelle Toots L’Amour. It was back to Lucha VaVoom for a Valentine’s Day show tonight. It’s soo fun. I corraled a group of people to go this time around and it was a blast! Everyone of them was a first […]

Ashes and Snow

Eighth Annual Imageworks Ski Trip

[SKI TRIP VIDEO LINK] So we left work about 5:15 but the bus’s air conditioner was busted and they forgot our ice coolers! The bus got up to 86 degrees inside. It was miserable and we were sitting in Friday night traffic for two hours. So we stopped in the valley to swap out buses […]

Happy New Year MMVI (Watch out!)

[NEW YEARS 2006 GALLERY – 1280 x 1024] Happy New Year, you’re about to get taken out by a wave. Ha ha ha. That’s not what you want to see when you’re looking through your viewfinder. I thought it would be nice to get a shot of the waves crashing along the rocks near Fort […]


After having Christmas with my parents in Idaho they headed up to Anacortes to get the boat shipped down to Southern California. It’s been up in the San Juan Islands for the past year. They got it on the truck today so if you see a big red Popeye boat coming down the 5 freeway […]

Los Angeles -> Idaho -> San Francisco

Boise airport December 25th The holiday Bermuda Triangle. In L.A., will just be hangin’ out. Then to Idaho and doing nothin’, or shopping at one of their many strip malls. Then onto San Francisco for 4 days during the New Year! Woot! That all starts right… no, wait for it, right… one sec… now… chrisc@beyonce:chrisc […]

Sony Pictures Holiday Party

Just one of the tents full of people at the Sony Holiday Party. Another tent of about the same size had a band and a bunch more tables for gambling. Let’s see the food was catered by Wolfgang Puck’s Catering. Really freakin’ good and they didn’t run out of the pan seared shrimp. Even though […]

Brigitte Gets Hitched

[WEDDING PHOTO GALLERY] How unbelievable does Brigitte and her father look?!? That’s awesome. Every photo I have of her from today she looks amazing. I met and used to work with Brigitte 8 or 9 years ago when we were trying to get our feet in the door of the visual effects world. So it […]

Dinner for Five

A few years ago I came across Willo’s website [LINK] via a link from a link kinda thing. When I first started reading her website I always felt like I was mentally shouting while reading it because man, she used exclamation! points! like! nobody’s! business!! Everything had exclamation points! Cat! Sofa! Deadpan! I hardly ever […]

Cinespia: Lee Marvin Kicks All Ass All the Time

That’s not Lee Marvin, but it is Jules. She was my roomate in college and did a nice turn in a supacool flash blowout photo from tonight’s Cinespia. Although it doesn’t really look much like her with the jutting chin and all. Her chin does no jutting in real life. It just does normal chin […]

The Belly of the Beast – A New Painting

I just got my new painting back from the framer and I love it. I bought it at one of Jett Jackson’s shows a couple of months ago. It’s called “The Belly of the Beast”, Los Angeles being the beast. I liked it because it reminded me of the downtown area and the 6th street […]

The Royal Tannenbaum

Since I’m not going to be around much of the holidays I’m opting out of the tree thing this year. But, I did get the whole experience of getting sap on my hands and needles in my pants by riding shotgun on the tree hunt with Jill.

Fender Guitar Factory Tour

[FENDER FACTORY TOUR GALLERY] “My dad never referred to it as a Gibson guitar or Fender guitar… it was always that goddamn guitar.” – Bruce Springsteen A parents worst nightmare is when their kid asks for a guitar. Most kids growing up in the 60’s and 70’s usually wanted one of two guitars, a Gibson […]

Abbot Kinney Street Festival

[ABBOT KINNEY GALLERY] Took the new toy [LINK] out for a spin at the Abbot Kinney Street Festival. After walking the couple miles up and down Abbott Kinney Blvd., that festival sucks. There was nothing even close to worth buying. I did see a girl from one of the classes I helped teach at Silicon […]

Ooompa Loompa Exploitation

The L.A. County Museum had an outdoor screening of Willy Wonka tonight and of course Wonka aficionado George was game for going. It quickly turned ugly when a Oompa Loompa started making the rounds. I actually kinda felt bad for them as this is either one of many Oompa Loompa gigs during the year or […]