Exquisite Corpses Part Quatre
by chris cunningham
1. Occumbo contemno / blood trees reign / dreams / the Sneetches graveyard.
2. Red / Venus rising / young lust / fishbreath.
3. City folk are / lacy pinafore / next appointment / in Kalamazoo.
The latest 3 of 12 Exquisite Corpses [LINK] that I’ve now worked on. I’m pretty disappointed in two of these as it looks as some artists just gave up on trying to work out a solution to a transition. I still regret handing off those kids to someone, but I left the strip pretty easy to work from. Just brown and white shapes.
I did the bottom of the first piece, the Super Mario/Scrabble/Tetris section in the second one and the top piece in the third that ended up getting kind of ignored. Oh well, the middle one makes up for the other two.
The middle one also has a bonus in that it includes a piece by internet friend and fellow travel bug Jake Drews [LINK]. Check out their travel web site as I use it to get ideas for my next travel destination! Randomly I came across it about 5 years ago and one day I noticed someone I knew in one of their photos! That, and they’re from Laguna Beach. I’ve spent more than a few years of my life down there having grown up in Laguna Hills.
I’m really tired right now. 6 day work weeks and then on Sundays I’m having to cram in all the little errands I can’t get to during the week. Bills, laundry, groceries, hygiene, smog tests, flat tires, dead car batteries. I haven’t seen friends, haven’t had time to write people, haven’t gotten home before 10 in awhile. Oh woe is me. I’m sad.
Corpses are fun though.
EC now lets you “volunteer” for a panel if you haven’t received one in a while. I did it and got one within a few hours! Instructions are in the forum or you can email me.
Yeah, that sounds like good idea on their part. I had to take my name out of the pot for the time being. I usually do it in 3 corpse spurts anyway but I’ll be back corpsing in July.