Saints & Sinners Lounge
by chris cunningham
There was a little meeting of the Ghosties crew at the [Saints & Sinners Lounge] Tuesday night. Lots of Martinis were had by all. In fact I think I doubled my entire lifetime intake of Martinis that night. Not a big Martini drinker so round about 4 in the morning I was a hurting puppy. In fact crawling out of bed and bringing my pillow and a blanket into the bathroom crossed my mind. Just in case.
We had a couple nice surprises show up. Director [Mark Steven Johnson] showed up and hung out ALL night. Not the usual “Hey, here I am, thanks for the work!” and then leave face time. It was the “Hey, you guys kick ass!! Let’s party all night!!” type of face time. Then Nicolas Cage showed up! Awesome! Just chillin’ with the Cage at a bar. That was cool and kinda surreal. Ha ha!
Above left is [Kevin Mack], Visual Effects Supervisor and extroardinarily nice guy. Kevin won an Academy Award for “What Dreams May Come” and also supervised “Big Fish” (one of my favorites), “A Beautiful Mind”, “How the Grinch Stole Christmas”, and “Fight Club”. It was a reeeeally a great experience to work with him. [Mark Steven Johnson], the director, is on the right. I love finishing big projects, it’s nothing but parties for like a month.
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