The Commute by Bike
by chris cunningham
I had to work a few hours on Saturday so I rode my bike. I try to ride my bike more days than I take the car but it’s been so hot around here lately the lure of air conditioning in the car has been to great. Today was beautiful, so I strapped my video camera to the bag racks on the back and rode into work. A 25 minute commute compressed into 3 minutes. I wish it would go that fast but then again the benefits would be nil. So, video, my commute, some Tom Waits, and complete abuse of iMovie sound effects to the point that my movie editing license should be taken away. Don’t drink and edit. For some reason, it all works. And that’s what matters, right?
Yo Chris.
Nice pick of a weird Tom Waits song. Coincidentally, when my wife and I took our cross-country trip in our Mini Cooper several years ago, that Waits album had just come out. We listened to it in the car on our iPod. That freaky song became our “arrival song” as we pulled into each of our milestone cities. I’d race to get it fired up on th’Pod as we entered the city perimeter.
I also heard that Tom Waits knowingly messed up his vocal chords as a youth to try and get a raspy voice.
Kommienezuepadt is brilliant. Everybody should go out and buy all the Tom Waits albums and sleep with them for a year.