Taylor Swift.
Welp, she’s here, finally. It’s been Taylor Swift madness here in Vancouver nigh on a year. Tickets went on sale over a year ago and it was a slow burn until about 6 months ago when everything turned Taylor. Large lighted signs of song titles all over the city, advertisements hinting at the shows, sparkly dresses in the windows, etc. Am I a fan? Well no, not exactly, but I am a fan of her. I do like a few of her songs for how well crafted they are for pop songs. Pretty great on that metric. What I really love is the sheer phenomenon of her at this point of time. It’s pretty exciting to see a musical artist at their peak popularity absolutely ruling the world. We won’t see this again because it’s so very difficult to do these days. And she seems on the correct side of politics. Good on her. I walked around the city at lunch a few weeks ago and just shot pictures of everything Taylor. Truly amazing how much of an economic engine she is. Let’s compare. In August of 1964 The Beatles came to Vancouver 6 months after the Ed Sullivan show. A watershed moment in pop music that started the British Invasion. They played one show, 11 songs, 35 minutes to 20 thousand people and then just left. Went to the airport and immediately flew to L.A. at 3am. And that was it. Beatlemania. This now, this is on such a massive worldwide scale that it makes me oddly happy. Grumpas will say, well, she won’t last, etc but she’s been doing this now for 20 years. Growing and growing her base so she’s hella paid her dues. She’s hardly a bottle rocket. Burning hot and fast and then gone. She’s a raging bonfire and that is great. On the last night of her three concerts I went food shopping near the stadium and the streets were eerily quiet. The grocery store was also a ghost town. Just me, the Musak™, and the squeaky wheel on the cart. The concert hadn’t started but everyone was in there waiting as they probably didn’t want to miss a thing. Since I was out I thought I would go get the car washed and I was the only one there too. This is great! On the way back I thought I’d get some shots of the stadium across the water with it all decked out in pink and green. It was a beautiful crisp night and what was truly magical was standing by the water edge hearing the absolute massive roar of the crowd spilling out of the arena. All quiet by the water and then the huge wave of crowd noise would rise up and down. Incredible.
So this is all amazing, but you know what is just as amazing? This week 4 of us got tickets for AC/DC at BC Place. The same place where Taylor is currently doing three nights. The show sold out immediately! Tickets were selling faster than I could select them but I finally got some that stuck and at face value. I’m not a huge AC/DC fan but I do like them. I’ve never seen them but they’ve been on my I better go see them list. Here’s a band that is now 51 years old, far past their peak, but still able to sell out a 50K seat arena in minutes. That is AC/DC’s hold my beer moment. It’s going to be pretty pretty great. I might even buy a concert Tee! So let’s see where Taylor is in 2055. Hopefully she will be out there doing it, but most likely not so this is her era to shine. Funny to think there are 50 thousand people cheering on a billionaire in there. Oh and pssst… I actually prefer Olivia Rodrigo to Taylor.
“Traffic not swift.” Actually it was!