Dear Mom, Cadavers are Cool.
by chris cunningham
Dear Mom,
I went to an exhibit today that you would consider to be a real house of horrors. I found it terribly interesting. It’s called “Bodies: The Exhibition” and basically it’s a bunch of real human bodies dissected into the most insane ways to show muscle groups, tendons, veins, organs, pulmonary inner workings, brain parts, etc. It’s part Art, part Science, and part Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Having a lovely time in London. Love, Your Son.
Got over to the Bodies exhibit this morning and it was freakin’ amazing. I think everyone has the same reaction at some point with the question “where’d he get all these bodies?” Therein lies the controversy. Supposedly it was all legit means, but it’s still begs the question. This show has been making its way around the world and is now in London. I learned more about the human body today than I’ve learned my whole life. Absolutely amazing but not for the squeamish.
It’s at Earl’s Court right now, and running concurrently this week is a nurse’s convention. Coincidence? I can’t imagine not. I was hungry afterwards for some sick reason.
but where are the PHOTOS?!?! corpses … nurses … total gyp. =)
No cameras allowed at the exhibit. It’s really a see it in the flesh kinda thing anyway. OMG, I crack me up. See it in the flesh. Hoo hoo…
Yeah, the nurses thing I could have been a little more vigilant and gotten something worthwhile.