Mammoth Mountain
by chris cunningham
Rather mellow trip this time out. We left on time Friday nght and stopped once for a short break but got to Mammoth about midnight. Got unpacked and then just sat around chatting until about 2am. Slept about 6 hours and then got up and hit the slopes about 10. Met up with Michelle, Dean, Cody, John, Kevin and a few others for a few runs but then headed off by myself. I needed a little more, eh hem, challenging runs. Ha! So off I went to the top of the mountain. Good day of skiing though. After skiing all day met up with Sean and Jill at the Austria House and had a few drinks. Some mullled cider and such and then headed over to one of the rooms and had dinner where I had more wine and we all sat around talking about… hmmm… pretty much everything but work. Skiing all day + a warm shower + a large plate of pesto pasta + 5 glasses of wine + a fireplace = me asleep at 8:30.
Sunday, Duff and I decided to go shooting but didn’t really get much accomplished so we found a deli and grabbed some breakfast while it snowed away outside. Headed back up the gondola and I took off and did a little hiking around the area just to wait for the bus. We’re leaving at 3:30pm. Good times. Cold and snowy all day. It’s nice out though as it has that muffled sound whenever snow is falling. Clickin’ the pic will get ya snowflakes. Video snippets of the whole weekend. Back home tonight to regularly scheduled programming.
Love the hat shadow in that little film.
If that were me skiing with no poles the filming would be a lot shorter and a close up of the inside of a snowdrift would feature quite early on
I’ll give you the camera and the push down the hill because I’m nice like that.
you’re a charmer, you are
Just doing my part to better foreign relations…