Vintage Video: Taylor Hawkins – A Foo Fighter
by chris cunningham
I was rummaging through some boxes and found some of the old video tapes. This is back when I was playing in the band with my friend Riz, now of the band “Anyone” [LINK]. Taylor Hawkins was good friends with the band and he used to come hang out and go to the shows. Taylor later joined a reformed version of the band and this just before he joined Sass Jordan, Alanis Morrisette and then of course on to the Foo Fighters. You know you’re a good drummer when Dave Grohl asks you to join his band. Sometimes he’d get behind the kit and play while we were hanging out, and seriously, he hit the drums harder than anyone you could imagine. He could make the snare snap so loud you had to leave the room.
Anyway, he’s the blonde kid guy in the shorts and boots if you have no idea who he is. This was shot probably about 15 years ago. Sometime in 1990-91 maybe? I haven’t seen him since then but ya know he’s probably busy or something. It’s funny when he looks at my video camera and says, “It’s radical”. Haven’t heard anyone say radical in years. The shortened “Rad” all the time, but not “Radical”. LOL.
Here’s a good compilation of Taylor playing the drums. He’s a madman. [LINK]
Taylor is a HUGE Queen fan so you know he was in utter heaven when this went down… [LINK] Could you imagine?!? Fronting Queen for song? That’s excellent!
it was good to see len and everyone else again. thanks for sharing…
Oh you just wait til I drag out the videos of you…