Where’s The Nearest 12 Step Program For Art Addiction?

by chris cunningham

I really need an intervention. Twelve of us from work went in together to buy the “Twelve Stations Of Ptolemy” folio [LINK] from the recent Shag show at “La Luz De Jesus” [LINK]. First we had to find twelve people who would want their respective zodiac sign. It turned out to not be that difficult. We had all twelve in a matter of days. It actually proved so popular that a second group got together and bought another set. Most people seemed really happy with their particular sign. Including me. “Virgo, Modest and Meticulous” [LINK]. I got it framed that same week and it now hangs proudly in my hall next to the amber lamp. Click to see a close up. Also check out the super groovy redesigns he’s doing for the 40th anniversary of the Pink Panther [LINK].